Saturday, June 12, 2010


I worked really hard this week. Still I was surprised to find myself excitedly saying, "Thank god it's Friday" when five o'clock hit and all the campers started arriving for the weekend. In a few more hours my family will be up for the weekend so I am done until Monday morning.

I think I thought writing would be easy. I enjoy it, why would it be hard? But it's a roller coaster and every morning I am a little bit terrified to turn on my laptop. One day the muse is with me and I'm astounded at the plot twists and character's development that seem to flow effortlessly onto the screen. Other days are torture. I stare hopelessly out the window praying for the groundhog underneath the cabin to chew through the floor and swallow me whole. Sometimes the tide can turn in a matter of minutes. It's fascinating and frustrating work.

The story itself is, at times, far more action and plot driven than anything I enjoy reading and those parts are absolutely dreadfully written.

Please, does anyone out there have any suggestions of well-written action type novels- preferably literary as opposed to Grishamy- I can read to get a handle on how to write this stuff well?


lwoodmass said...

Do you need someone to read a bit? I would be ecstatic to be asked...not that I'm trying to manipulate....

Cosmic Gladiator said...

Oh No! It's nowhere near being ready to read, I'm still not done tossing the clay on the wheel never mind shaping it into some semblence of a creation.

I am however only two weeks or so away from finishing a first draft of a short story that I would love your feedback on.

lwoodmass said...

Count me in...anytime!!!