Saturday, June 5, 2010

Beautiful Life

Happy Birthday to me!

I am officially settled in at the lake for the next couple of months, warm and dry despite the stormy weather.

Mom took me out for a late lunch at the Sawney Bean, my last hope for curry. The menu very clearly states it’s authentic British curry which, once I’ve tasted it, I gather means it’s the same colour as curry and is served over rice but is otherwise not particularly curry like. Still, unless I manage to snag a job in India, or a country with a reasonable Indian population, it will have to do, I’m settled somewhere and can try my hand at making my own.

When the waitress asks me what size wine I’d like, I order the big glass with the excuse it’s my birthday. “Congratualtions,” she says. Apparently a birthday entitles me to free dessert –without the humiliation of a bizzare birthday song- and, while they haven’t anything gluten free, they do have GF ice cream and strawberry sauce. I don’t believe i’ve ever said no to strawberries and I’m not about to satrt now.

After that we hit the highway, straight towards the ominous skies to the east, leaving reported funnel clouds behind us.

Once we’ve unloaded the car and unpacked the boxes we open the wine and the card comes out. It contains enough money to pay for my newly ordered laptop bag and these words of wisdom:

How to Make a Beautiful Life:
Reflections for a Daughter on Her Birthday

Love yourself.
MAKE PEACE with who you are
and where you
at this moment in time.

Listen to your heart.
If you can’t hear what it’s saying
in this noisy world,
MAKE TIME for yourself.
Enjoy your own company.
Let your mind wander among the stars.

Take chances.
Life can be messy and confusing at times,
but it’s also full of surprises.
the next rock on your path might be a stepping-stone.

Be happy.
When you don’t have what you want,
want what you have.
That’s a well-kept secret of contentment.

There aren’t any shortcuts to tomorrow.
You have to MAKE YOUR OWN WAY.
To know where you’re going
is only part of it.
You need to know where you’ve been too.
And if you ever get lost, don’t worry.
The people who love you will find you.
Count on it.

Life isn’t days and years.
It’s what you do with time
and all with all the goodness and grace
that’s inside you.
The kind that you deserve.”

When did Yoda start working for Hallmark? I’m sorry these writers don’t get credit for their brilliant, tear inducing work. I hope they’re compensated well.


Anonymous said...

I am going to repost this. Ok? Love this blog by the way. And you. DON'T FORGET. Always welcome in montreal. None of this 2 hour layover bullshit. Come for a week.

Miriam said...

ummm tear inducing, yes. I am so excited for you, you are embarking on such an admirable adventure. So much love.