Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Few of My Favourite Things (Today)

"...A man in perfect physical condition, at rest, has a heartbeat of approximately one beat a second, sixty seconds per minute, so forth and so on. How many heartbeats do you suppose is in twelve hours? 43,200. So the rhythm of our own heartbeats is the rhythm of the universe. We are in accord with the universal rhythm."

-Joseph Campbell (on the conclusion of a series of mathematical equations present in basic mythologies that describe ideas about the cosmos and the universal rhythm)  That's beautiful.

Science Tattoos Some of these are beautiful (and witty) too.

Requiem for a Dying Planet The sound track to Werner Herzog's "Wild Blue Yonder" perfectly evokes a longing for home.

"Leaves of Grass" -How much do I love Edward Norton ...

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