Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Back to Back

I finally made it to the chiropractor today. She joked about needing a jackhammer to fix all the tension in it but she really did an amazing job of loosening it and putting things back where they belong. I then proceeded to my Aunt's in the country to work in her garden and undid most of my chiro's hard work.

It was worth it though. Just the smell of the earth brought my stress levels down ten points and I was giddy watching all the mini universes of life coming to the soil surface; shiny fat nematodes, an entire civilization of ants and a glistening giant ruby red beetle.

In the late afternoon we sat on the porch and I may or may not have had one glass of wine too many and had to be driven home. Somehow I managed to even get paid for this.

Ma had a fantastic pot of pasta sauce cooking away when I got home and, when we went for our walk, there were two guys handing out brochures for their church called "The Rock". I was greatly amused and even briefly considered going when I saw services start at 2:30 pm. Is it bad that my desire to sleep interferes with the eternal salvation of my soul (or at least the broadening of my horizons) or is that just the way g*d made me?  Either way it looks like Ma and I will be spending Sunday at the lake so the start time is moot.

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