Saturday, September 25, 2010


In reviewing the checklist for assessing ADHD (as it's still called here) in my role as school counselor I've discovered that I have ADHD. In fact I have about three times as many symptoms as the child that was sent to me:

Often daydreaming/ in a world of their own - check
Prone to non sequitur outbursts - check
Starts things but drifts off before they are finished - whoa that's my entire life in one sentence. In fact I'm kind of surprised I'm still writing this)
Often makes careless mistakes - check
Suspected of having hearing problems- check
Loses things, procrastinates, messy room - check, check, check
Finds it hard to wait, always in a rush, easily frustrated, poor sense of time - uh huh, uh huh, uh huh

I could go on but this is taking too long. Where's my ritalin again...


mom said...

ADHD!? I think you're just so smart you need constant challenges to make your life feel interesting!!! :) :)

LOVED catching up on your posts!


Cosmic Gladiator said...

Awww, you have to say that, you're Mom ;p Miss you!

Guy said...

Everybody says, ADHD! as though it were a bad thing. I think it looks good on some people. haha, I always look forward to reading your next one. :p


Cosmic Gladiator said...

Hola, mi guappo amigo! Como esta? I was thinking of you just last week, thinking of that golden voice of yours and wondering if you finished recording yet. I hope you're well!

lwoodmass said...

When the kids in my school say "I have ADHD you know..." I usually respond with..."you and everyone else. Let's get your assignment done." I loved a recent YouTube thing I watched (maybe it was Ted Talks) that said that the worse thing for our artistic contribution to the world was medicating ADHD. I say Amen!

Cosmic Gladiator said...

Hallelujah amen! When I was done assessing this student I told his teachers, "He thinks differently than we do so we can learn a lot from him." They're still confused.