Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Feel Full

It's so easy to forget how limited our own life experience is. Which is why I love the internet, specifically blogs and social networking. Yes, most of what's on this interweb machine is twitterpation, mundane drivvel that probably doesn't need to be archived in the cloud of human history. But then so much of the beauty of life lies in the mundane. The extraordinary cyber art project "We Feel Fine" filters, molds and encapsulates the internet into the ultimate expression of humanity. I spent too much time today reading everything from a 19 year old anorexic who feels happy about her recovery to a 43 year old divorced male who still feels confused about his marriage. And, at the end of the day, instead of feeling like the internet robbed me of hours of my life with its flashy lights and irresistible links, I feel more connected to the human race than I have in months. 

Sheep sate and lontong rice for dinner helped too.

"Who are these neighbours?" asks Ms. Yeni as we sip our mango juice. "I never heard them. No music. No rooster."

I don't know but if I have to listen to Meatloaf one more time I'm going to punch someone in the face.

Bahasa Phrase of the Day: Aku mau ke mana ...= I am going to ...

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