2 cups warm water
2 drops Tea Tree Oil
3 drops Clove Oil
1/2 Avacado, mashed
Juice of half a lemon
1 1/2 tsp olive oil
Double this recipe for long hair. Apply to dry hair. Cover with a plastic bag then a towel and let sit for 30 min. Rinse and wash hair repeat. Will keep hair soft and shiny for about a week.
Ear Drops
Equal parts rubbing alcohol and white vinegar.
Facial Mask
Dot blemishes with honey first then apply plain yogurt to face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
Exczema Fix
Apply Vitamin E oil directly to skin.
Stomach Ailments
1) For stomach viruses or indigestion drink ginger tea. Boil ginger in a pot and drink. Do not add sugar and use as much ginger as you can stand the taste of.
2) For bacterial infections and inflammations from food intolerances yogurt smoothies for 24-36 hours work best. Be certain the yogurt is natural (milk and active cultures only-no sugar no flavouring etc) but add honey and bananas or berries for flavour.
3) For inflammation due to food intolerances mashed sweet potato is also good. Add a spoonful or two of yogurt and honey and a dash of cinnamon before mashing.
Light on the eve of the election
10 years ago