Monday, November 22, 2010


"Do you know Pak Guju?" Adik asks me at dinner tonight while I slurp my cap cay.
I shake my head.
"So skinny?"
I shake my head again.
"Do you know he called me to ask if we were close-you know what I mean yes-and I said no we are just friends. So he tells me Ms Eris is so beautiful, I love her, what does she like?"
I laugh."Who is this?"
She tries to explain again-so very skinny boy with glasses- but I shake my head.
"Don`t know but that sounds like me, always get the handsome ones," I say, but my sarcasm is lost on her.
"Nooo, not handsome, skeeeeny," she screws up her nose and I laugh. "Not for you, I will find you Indonesian man."
"No need for that. That would just complicate my life and I don`t need complications. So what did you tell this Pak Guju."
"I tell him you like food. Lots of food. And you cannot eat cheap cheese (translation= Kraft cheese slices) only small pieces that cost 80,000 rupiah and no Indonesian food because of tepung. And you like to travel so you are too expensive."
I burst out laughing and give Adik a high five.
"What?" she asks, confused.
"Nothing," I say between laughs, "just a thanks for looking out for me."

Though I must confess I`ve never thought of myself quite that way before, but now that she`s mentioned it...

Bahasa Word of the day:

cap cay= spicy vegetable stir fry in broth


Mom said...

I'm not surprised that men and boys and even some of the ladies "fall in love" with you. Your energy and positive spirit are irresistable!

lwoodmass said...

Way to go with being the one to hold out! Yes! You are expensive! in the most wonderful of ways! I don't know why, but I feel proud!